
Tips To Ensure Leg Prosthetic Comfort

If you have lost a leg due to an injury, infection, or illness, then you may be eager to start walking normally again. This likely means that you will need a prosthetic leg made for you. Many amputees find great success with prosthetic limbs, but there is one complaint that you will notice; the prosthetic limbs are not comfortable. Prosthetic discomfort is something that is constantly being addressed, so speak with your prosthetic specialist about advancements that can enhance comfort. Read More 

Three Questions To Help You Determine If Carpal Tunnel Surgery Is The Answer

If you're one of the 2.7 percent of the population that suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome, getting relief from the symptoms is likely your top concern. While there are many non-surgical treatment options available for this condition, sometimes surgery may be required. Here are three questions to ask to help you determine if it's appropriate for your situation. Is There Nerve Damage? Carpal tunnel is caused by excess pressure placed on the wrists and the nerves contained there. Read More 

Treating Prolapses Of The Bladder, Vagina, And Rectum: A Few Options

Aging, straining to urinate or defecate, childbirth, and a few other symptoms can lead to prolapses of the bladder, vagina, and rectum. Not only is this terrifying to see and experience, but it can also cause multiple other health problems. Essentially, your rectum turns partially inside out, and hangs out the body. Your uterus can slide backward out of your vagina, and your bladder falls down and blocks your urethra. To treat these issues, here are a few options: Read More 

Three Steps To Supporting Your Friend While They Have An Abortion Procedure

When a friend is going through a hard time, it's not the details that matter. Being there for a friend when they need a shoulder to lean on for strength is the most important show of love and care. If your friend is going to have an abortion procedure, you may see them scared in a way that you have never seen them before. After a procedure, your friend will not be able to drive home, so they will need someone to go with them. Read More 

Pregnant This Summer? 3 Tips To Keep You Cool, Comfortable, And Healthy

Summer is a great time to get out and have some fun; unless you're pregnant. When you're pregnant during the summer, the heat can leave you feeling anything but adventurous and fun-loving. If being pregnant during the summer has got you feeling, hot, sticky and swollen, here are three tricks to help you feel more comfortable. Stay Hydrated When you're pregnant, you need to drink more water. That's even more important when you're pregnant during the summer. Read More